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Devon often snuck into his sister’s room when she was out, he never read her diary or stole from her, but he did enjoy putting on her clothes. Late one evening when his sister, Abby, had left the house, Devon went through her draws to pick out something sexy to wear. To his excitement he found a short pleated skirt and a bra which even gave him a little cleavage. Devon was so turned on he didn’t...
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Love is the most wonderful of all feelings in this world. It's Valentine's Day and what could be a better time to let your dear ones know that you love them. Lilly and Lana had been planning their valentines date for months. They had both brought brand new lingerie and were going to first head out to a lavish expensive meal and then head back home where they would finally make love for...
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Even Duke Nukem needs to empty a full round from his balls now and then, so when the loud mouthed ass kicking hero was shooting up some bad guys and noticed one of the sexiest dames he’d ever seen passing by, he had no hesitation to put his glock on safety and switch his pants weapon into pussy fucking mode. As the tall...
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My girlfriend and I had just bought our first home together as a couple! We managed to get a huge place, isolated away from the rest of our neighbourhood, we just couldn’t believe how cheap it was, we were kind of waiting for something to go wrong but we just couldn't find any faults! The only reason we got such a great deal was due to a rumour that the house was haunted, but it was such...
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It was last orders at the bar, I'd been having a bad day at work and decided to drink my problems away and try to forget the day but I couldn't stop focusing on this girl who seemed to be hanging around and looking a little lost. She looked really out of place, kind of slutty but in a hot way, and while everyone else in the bar was heading home for the night she just seemed to linger until we...
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I guess you can suck a lollipop too damn sexy.. Daisy was walking down the beach in her new pink bikini. She bought it at only a fraction of the price, not because it was on sale but because it covered only a small fraction of her body; he ass waggled along the beach almost bare, and her large boobies were barely held at all as the bounced up and down, and if it wasn’t for some expert tucking...
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It’s not easy being the dark night, riding the city of evil whilst dealing with inner demons. Finally the Arkham city streets were safe again and Batman was exhausted, so he headed back to the Bat Cave for some well earned rest.. But as he entered his secret lair he was very surprised to see two dark feminine shadows stood, waiting for him. As he cautiously crept closer he saw that it was his his on...
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I’ve always been a big MILF lover, it’s got me in a lot of trouble with friends and girlfriends before but I was determined not to let my perverted mind get the better of me with Jenny, my new girl.. The problem was her Mom was a total hottie, I mean an uber babe, MILF fetish or not her huge fantasy sized rack was incredible don’t get me wrong, I was still determined to keep my girlfriend, I really loved...
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I should never trust my husband to choose out housemaids, they always have large breast, long legs, thick thighs and skimpy uniforms, and they are rarely useful around our large house. But the latest two maids were soon proving their worth.. I was soaking in the tub when they both entered offering to dry my body and lay out my clothes. Their bodies were typically curvy and Amazonian like, their...
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Since being promoted to office manager a lot of the girls had started to flirt with me and offer me gifts, hoping to get a bonus or extra holiday no doubt! But the latest attempt to get my attention definitely worked! I turned up to the office in the morning to find a picture face down on my desk, at first look it was obviously pornographic, so I snuck away to the toilets to take a more private...